The Best Compromise
318 words, < 2 minutes
How often are we faced with two choices? This or that.
There are almost always more choices, but it is easy to get stuck into extreme perspectives, especially when opinions come from thoughtful people.
So, what do we do? Hopefully, as mature adults, we seek a compromise. Most people try to search for the middle ground, but is that right?
Imagine a bike ride. Somebody wants to go faster. Another wants to go slower. How do faster and slower compromise? Faster slows down, and slower speeds up. Now, how do they feel? Faster is frustrated, slower is exhausted.
Before Solomon’s Judgment1, we knew that going halfsies wasn’t a good idea. Yet, meeting halfway is the default setting for many scenarios because it’s the easiest compromise to imagine.
The best compromise is an outcome that uses the best parts of the different ideas.
For better compromises, the first steps are to understand the goals and think creatively about expanding options and acceptable outcomes. The next step is to follow Ager’s first rule of improv and practice “yes, and” thinking to build up ideas. Finally, prioritize needs over wants, do the best we can, and remember many decisions are reversible.
Today, a compromise often means making a concession by lowering standards. Isn’t it odd that compromising also means reckless or less effective behavior? No wonder it can be hard to find a compromise when the expected result is middle ground no one is happy with. On an adventure, some compromises may even be dangerous.
However, the root meaning of the word compromise is to push forth together. A compromise is for the third party, the collective greater than any individual. Creating a Best Of together seems like a lot more fun than looking at a fork in the road and deciding to crash into the divider.
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At first, the story of Ynés Mexía seems like your standard wild adventure story. You know, traveling the length of the Amazon River, paddling in a dugout canoe, visiting isolated tribes, and collecting never-before-seen species of plants. Then you realize that she was a Mexican-American woman traveling alone in the 1930s, 55 years old, and she just learned about botany and started traveling a few years ago. And that’s only part one of the story. I hope you like it!
That’s a wrap to Season 1 of the Adventure Almanac. Stay tuned and subscribe so you don’t miss Season 2.
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Beau Miles’ video of running one mile every hour for 24 hours might have been one of my favorite videos from 2018. He recently released a video about trying to build an off-grid cabin in his backyard without his wife knowing. It was a fine video, but the running video captured the quintessential Australian spirit of seizing the day with a wink.
Video (YouTube) 17 minutes
Geotabs listed the quietest roads in every US State.
Recently, I had a few close calls on my road bike. I see why gravel riding is becoming more and more popular. Outside had a piece about how much you should spend on a new gravel bike. The breakdown of different components was a good explanation of how bikes work. I still can’t believe how much some bikes cost. Remember, the best bike is the bike you have. Gear Junkie also had a helpful guide on how to size your bike.
Read More Outside (5 minutes) | Read More Gear Junkie (5 minutes)

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